Contact Tracing Technology and Social Distancing Solution

Many states are opening up after the Covid-19 shutdown, companies are starting to get employees back to work, but with opening, there are rules around bringing employees back. CompanyTRAK launched a social distancing solution and contact tracing technology to bring workforce back to work in a safe environment.
As an example, Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, recently sent an order, Executive Order 2020-97, to all business owners in Michigan. Included in this order is the following:

Contact Tracing Technology and Social Distancing technology to bring employees back to a safe working environment.
Provide COVID-19 training to employees that covers, at a minimum:
1.    Workplace infection-control practices
2.    The proper use of personal protective equipment
3.    Steps the employee must take to notify the business or operation of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
4.    How to report unsafe working conditions
The above includes a lot of work for both company and employee. Tools to help with these needs include:
  • Self-declaration – a set of questions or PPE needs required to be answered daily as employees enter the building
  • Contact Tracing – tracing contact of employees breaking the 6-foot proximity recommendation by CDC over a period of time
  • Social Distancing – ability to track and warn employees when approaching or breaking the 6-foot proximity of another employee.
  • Data Collection – collecting data on contacts, to determine which employees have symptoms or test positive, and a way to inform employees they are exposed and what to do.
"Adoption and evaluation of digital tools may expand reach and efficacy of contact tracers."
CompanyTRAK is the leading digital solution to help with Self-Declaration, Social Distancing, Contact Tracing and Data Collection. With patent-pending technology including mobile location services, Bluetooth tags and scanners, the solution traces employee interaction within a geofenced building. If an employee has contact within the CDC recommended 6-foot distance, that contact is logged. If employees self-reports as symptomatic or having tested positive, CompanyTRAK notifies an exposure risk to any employee that they have been in contact with over the last 14 days. This minimizes employee risk in the office or facility by understanding who is at risk, symptomatic, or is tested positive. The solution leverages a combination of proprietary mobile technology, web portal and Bluetooth tags to achieve this and be accurate.
"We built CompanyTRAK to help companies bring their employees back to work and provide a safe means of operating their business leveraging technology," said Varchasvi Shankar, President & CEO of CompanyTRAK.  
CompanyTRAK includes a daily "Self-Declaration" with customizable questions, a PPE list and temperature input.  This helps with understanding which employees are prepared for the day and which should return home or work in other areas.
Data is securely encrypted and available through our CT Portal. This portal enables assigned admins to set-up/geofence locations, manage users, run reports and send out broadcast messages. When an employee is exposed, self-reports as symptomatic or positive, the admin is provided a notification and views all contacts that employee has had since adopting the solution.
CompanyTRAK helps companies bring their employees back safely while meeting regulations now. It includes a mobile app, web portal, and Bluetooth tags and scanners to help quickly and efficiently.

How It Works

Using Contact Tracing and Social Distancing, our patent pending, dual verification technology traces your employees' path and contact with other employees using a combination of GPS and BLE Technologies.
Our algorithm manages and traces a real interaction to notify you and mark employees as exposed.
We track employee primary and secondary exposure and notify you and your employees when another employee that they have been in contact with self-reports as having symptoms or tests positive.

 CompanyTRAK for Companies

·         Get employees back to work safely
·         Understand when your employees have had an exposure and when there has been interaction with exposed or COVID-19 positive employees
·         Select group of exposed employees can be quarantined instead of the whole office
·         Geofencing available option for office buildings and manufacturing plants
·         App Customization available

CompanyTRAK for Schools

·         Bring your students back to your campus
·         Know when students and teachers have had an exposure and when there has been interaction with exposed or COVID-19 positive students or staff
·         Geofencing available option for your school grounds
·         App Customization available

CompanyTRAK for Hospitals

·         Get your employees back to the office in a safe environment.
·         Minimize the risk of exposure for Hospital employees and staff
·         Trace employee interaction with infected or exposed patients or equipment (beds) through use of technology
·         Trace incoming visitors through badging or temporary app access
·         Geofencing available option for buildings or campus
  •            App Customization available


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