Contact Tracing Technology and Social Distancing Solution to Bring the Employees Back to Office
CompanyTRAK is the leading digital solution to help with Self-Declaration, Social Distancing,Contact Tracing and Data Collection. With patent-pending contact tracing technology including mobile location services, Bluetooth tags and scanners, the solution traces employee interaction within a geofenced building. If an employee has contact within the CDC recommended 6-foot distance, that contact is logged. If employees’ self-reports as symptomatic or having tested positive, CompanyTRAK notifies an exposure risk to any employee that they have been in contact with over the last 14 days. This minimizes employee risk in the office or facility by understanding who is at risk, symptomatic, or is tested positive. The solution leverages a combination of proprietary mobile technology, web portal and Bluetooth tags to achieve this and be accurate. As companies started to shut down due to the coronavirus, Varchasvi Shankar began working on the best and safe...